Many people are surprised when they discover that URL is case sensitive (in contrast to the domain name). It makes no difference how you write your domain name, which means that = DOMAINNAME.COM = = and so on. All possible combinations are the same and return the same result. The difference is huge when it comes to places like
It depends on the reflection of the operating system installed on your server. Linux is case sensitive, while Windows is not. Suppose you have decided to promote the version with a capital letter ( Do you think it looks better and easier to remember.
So how can we solve these problems? Here is my solutions and recommendations that you can use to avoid penalties:
- Most people recommend you keep a single version. I recommend you always keep with the small version.
- If the URL with capital letters was already indexed by Google or other search engines (someone put a link to your site or you have changed the CMS, and he made some changes), use 301 redirects to redirect users and search robots to the right place.